Saturday, January 8, 2011

{Jillian Micheals kicked my butt}

 {me, no makeup, post workout...proof :)}

{Holy cow! I just got two new Jillian Michaels dvd's in the mail yesterday and decided to do one this morning. I did the 6 week six pack one and owwwww! i also got Yoga Meltdown with I started to do right after the first one but it was a bit much so i stopped. I've been feeling a little under the weather the last two days and have a really sore throat! I toyed with the idea of a sick day today but decided there was too much to do and I am sucking it up. So far I have had decaf green tea, grapefruit, chicken noodle soup, tons of water and a sweaty workout. I'm hoping to start feeling better but so far its not really happening! What do you guys do to feel better? I need tips! Help a girl out! :) In the meantime check out some of my guest posts and features here, here and here! Hello to all my new readers! I'm so glad you are here!}

.::love ali::.


  1. home made chicken soup works for me and every meal i have an orange-that always works for me than a vitamin c. tip: don't overload on c at once cuz our bodies only take so much at a time so a lot of it goes to waste so space it out through the day.

  2. okey dokey! Good to know! Thanks Kelly!

  3. You're cute!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Awww Ali I am sorry you are feeling icky! I always drink tea and add more honey than usual to help the throat and take a hot bath! I just recently dove into my Troublenakers' VapoRub. (P.S. Saw in your guest post you are always cold.... ME TOO!!!!!! EVEN pregnant I am cold. You are NOT alone! :) Feel better!

  5. i've been dying to try jillian's workout dvds, i've heard amazing things about them! feel better soon. <3

  6. I usually warm up some lemonade(sounds nasty but it isn't) and put some honey in it!!! I hope you feel better!!

  7. um, i am in love with your blog. love love.

  8. Ah thanks rachel!
    Anna: im totally gonna try it! Sounds good :)

  9. hahaha... well, i JUST did jillian michaels for the first time this morning. you're right. that ladies intense! so this is what i have to look forward to? i do like how she says things like "if you're looking for a modified version of this, there isnt one"... which by the way, i dont believe
